
Installation is automatic. Select Open when downloading a ".msi" file from this website, or double-click it after downloading. (Any method that causes the ".msi" file to be opened by Windows Installer will work.) Administrator privileges are required.

After installing, programs will appear in the Bridge Club Utilities folder of the Start menu.

Getting Started

Empty document screenshotWhenever you start BridgeComposer from the Bridge Club Utilities folder of the Start menu, a window will open containing an empty, untitled document (see image at left). From this window, you may use menu commands:  use "Board→New" to enter a new board; use "File→Open" to open an existing bridge file (PBN, LIN, BRI, DUP, or DLM format); use "Tools→Generate Random Boards" to generate random boards; use "Help→Help Topics" for complete documentation.  See also the Tutorials page and the Gallery page on this website for additional information.

Installation Notes

Upgrade and Uninstall Problems

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable

If you have difficulty upgrading to a new version of BridgeComposer, or with uninstalling, then your current installation may be damaged.

For example, Windows Installer files pertaining to your current BridgeComposer installation may have been quarantined by your anti-virus (due to an erroneous false positive).

If you receive the above message ("The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable"), it is looking for the installation package for your current version (5-58 as shown in this example). Note this version and click "Cancel".

We suggest you proceed as follows:

We recommend that you temporarily disable your anti-virus during all install, upgrade, uninstall, and repair operations.

  1. Disable your anti-virus.
  2. Download the .msi file for your current version (from the Archive page or using BCInstaller "BC Website" tab).
  3. Run this .msi and you will be asked whether to repair or remove: choose "Repair".
  4. Retry the upgrade or uninstall.
  5. Reenable your anti-virus.

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