
Following are a few documents that demonstrate some of the BridgeComposer capabilities.

You may click a thumbnail image to see how the document appears on-screen.

To see a document in BridgeComposer yourself:




The document created in Tutorials 1 and 2.



Uses Larger fonts than the default, by using Format→Diagram Font and Format→Commentary Font.

See this document as a web page here (Use File→Save As HTML).



The first board in the document includes a Play section, which shows how play of the hand proceeded card-by-card. The Play section may be created using the "View→Next To Play" menu command (see its Help topic).

The second board in the document shows an end-position diagram. Use Board→Edit to see how the card holdings were entered into the Deal field.

See this document as a web page here (Use File→Save As HTML).


16 Point Slam


Uses Format→Board Layout (General tab): Diagram position: Float left.



A BridgeComposer hand diagram embedded in a Word document (using the Word Insert→Object menu command).

Note that you can edit the hand diagram by clicking it three times.

See "OLE Support" in BridgeComposer Help→Help Topics for additional information.



A BridgeComposer hand diagram pasted into a Word document (in HTML format). In the document float8.pbn, BridgeComposer Board→Copy was followed by Word Paste. Then, to wrap the text: the hand diagram table was selected; under Table Tools, Layout was selected; in Cell Size, the Table Properties button (in the lower-right corner) was clicked; in the Table Properties dialog box (Table tab), Text wrapping: Around was selected.

The text is unrelated to bridge, it's just used to demonstrate the page layout.



Shows eight boards per page.  This is accomplished using File→Page Layout to set "Layout" to "As many as will fit, 2 columns" and bottom margin to 0.5 inch; and using Format→Diagram Font to select 8-point font size.  The makeable contracts were added using Tools→Double Dummy All Boards.



Shows eight boards per page with auction and commentary. Settings:

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "As many as will fit, 2 columns"; reduced margins and gutters; Draw gutter lines: Yes (vertical and horizontal)
  • Format→Event Font: Times New Roman 16-point
  • Format→Diagram Font: Times New Roman 8-point
  • Format→Commentary Font: Times New Roman 10-point
  • Format→Board Layout (General tab):
    • Use Event text for page headers: Yes
    • Space below Event text: 8 points
    • Diagram Position: Float left
    • Justify commentary text: Yes
    • HCP in diagrams: Yes
    • Two-column auctions: Yes


A Bridge Base Online format file, downloaded from the web. The document contains 32 boards, each played in two different rooms.

The hand diagram on the BridgeComposer home page comes from this file.



A hand diagram using the Format→Board Layout Translate tab to display in Norwegian.

See this document as a web page here.

To create a web page (HTML file) from the PBN file, use File→Save As HTML. You may get the message "Unable to open HTML boilerplate file: bplate.htm was not found"; you may either download bplate.htm and try again, or just click "OK".



16 boards in player-takehome hand record page layout. Use Tools→Generate Random Boards and/or View→Hand Record Page Layout.

See this document as a web page here, and as a PDF file here (Use File→Save As HTML and File→Save As PDF, respectively).



Diagrams with hidden hands. Use Board→Edit and click one or more "Hide" checkboxes in the Deal section.

This particular document was created using File→Page Layout and setting "Layout" to "Four boards per page" (even though the document contains only two boards). The first board was entered using Board→Edit and North and South were hidden. The second board was entered using Board→New and East and West were hidden.



Three-column layout. Settings:

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "As many as will fit, 3 columns"; reduced margins and gutters
  • Format→Diagram Font: Times New Roman 10-point


Four-column layout. Settings:

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "As many as will fit, 4 columns"; reduced margins and gutters; Orientation: Landscape; Draw gutter lines: Yes (vertical and horizontal)
  • Format→Diagram Font and Format→Commentary Font: Times New Roman 10-point
  • Format→Board Layout (General tab): Justify commentary text: Yes; Paragraph indent: 0.14 inches

The text is unrelated to bridge, it's just used to demonstrate the page layout.



Page headers and footers. Settings:

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "As many as will fit, 1 column"; reduced margins and horizontal gutter height; Draw gutter lines: Yes (horizontal only)
  • Format→Event Font: Trebuchet MS 14-point
  • Format→Hand Record Titles: Event and Date
  • Format→Page Footer: customized
  • Format→Board Layout (General tab): Use Event text for page headers: Yes; Space below Event text: 6 points


Curtain Card page layout: Can be cut into strips or squares to give players a record of their own cards only.

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "Curtain card"; reduced margins and gutters; Draw gutter lines: Yes (vertical and horizontal)
  • Format→Board Layout: Use Event text for page headers: Yes; Space below Event text: 8 points
  • Format→Page Footer: customized

See also Gallery no. 22 (below), and "HandsByPlayer.wsf" on the Scripting Library page.



A single write-up containing multiple hand diagrams. Modified document dblsqueezeDemo.pbn (see #3 above) as follows:

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "As many as will fit, 2 columns"; reduced margins; reduced horizontal gutter size
  • Format→Board Layout (General tab): Use Event text for page headers: Yes; Space below Event text: 4 points; Justify commentary text: Yes
  • Format→Event Font: Trebuchet MS, 14 point
  • Format→Diagram Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
  • Format→Commentary Font: Times New Roman, 11 point
  • Create a third "board": Select the second board; use Board→New Blank Page; split the final commentary text between "boards" 2 and 3 (using cut/paste and/or drag/drop) so that the second diagram appears in the first column


Twenty-seven "slides" showing the bidding and play of the deal on the BridgeComposer home page. Use the Board→Next toolbar button to step through the slides. (Play concludes after only three tricks due to a claim.)

To create the slides, start with the single-board document VanSlides1.pbn and use the Board→Create Slides command.

Click here to see the slides saved as a web page (Use File→Save As HTML).


teaching mat


Teaching Mat page layout. Diagram is enlarged to fill the page; cards are rotated to face out toward each player. Optional printing of board labels on reverse side.

  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "Teaching mat" (1- or 2-sided)

2-up board prep


2-up board prep page layout. After printing, a stack of pages is cut across the middle and re-stacked. The boards then will be in numeric order. They may be passed out to tables at the beginning of a session for player duplication; see Starting Games with Hand Records.

  • Tools→Generate Random Boards (if necessary)
  • Format→Hand Record Titles: Enter Site, Event, Date, etc.
  • File→Page Layout: Layout: "2-up board prep"


Shows twenty-four boards per page.

  • File→New; Tools→Generate Random Boards: Number of boards to generate: 24; Double dummy analysis for all generated boards : check.
  • Format→Diagram Font: Font: Arial; Font style: Narrow; Size: 6 (type "6" directly into the "Size" box).
  • File→Page Layout: Page Layout/ Layout: "As many as will fit, 4 columns"; Margin/ Left: 0.252, Right: 0.25, Top: 0.75, Bottom: 0.5; Vertical Gutters/ Width: 0.2, Draw gutter lines: "Yes"; Horizontal Gutters/ Height: 0.1, Draw gutter lines: "Yes".
  • Format→Board Layout, General tab: Event Text/ Use Event text for page headers: "Yes", Space below Event text: 4.
  • Format→Board Layout, Card Table tab: Other/ Show/hide: "Hide".
  • Select board number 1; Board→Edit: Event: "Testbed Bridge Club".
  • Format→Page Footer: Customized.
21 Two Auctions


Shows a single diagram with two auctions.
  • File→Page Layout: Layout: As many as will fit, 2 columns.
  • Board→Edit: Enter Board, Dealer, Vulnerable, Deal, and first Auction.
  • Board→New: Enter (same) Board, Dealer, Vulnerable; enter second Auction.
  • In main window: Select second board (if necessary); hide diagram.
  • (Optional) Format→Board Layout, General tab: Diagram position: Justify left.
If the columns of the two auctions are not vertically aligned, left-justifying the diagram will help.
22 Bidding practice layout


Shows hands arranged for bidding practice. Print a copy for each partner and fold vertically down the middle.
  • File→Page Layout: Layout: Curtain card
  • Tools→All Boards; Edit→Select All; Board→Adjust View; Hidden Hands: check East and West.

You may fit more boards per page by using "File→Page Layout" and reducing the Horizontal Gutter Height, and/or by using "Format→Diagram Font" and reducing the font Size.

To fit even more boards per page, see "HandsByPlayer.wsf" on the Scripting Library page.

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